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1715 Gregory Road
Statesville, NC 28677
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Phone: 336.285.8592
Toll-Free: 800.728.1405
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PO Box 20146
Greensboro, NC 27420
BB-Series Balers
CB&E’s BB-Series auto-tie balers offers automation and quality at a competitive price. The “BB” Series is ideal for small to mid-size Printers and Paper Converters baling needs.
Features & Advantages
- Extra large 58” x 43” bales that weight over 3500 pounds fill containers 19% fuller and 37% faster than conventional sized bales.
- Extra large 54” x 75” feed hopper allowing for greater throughputs.
- Larger bale footprint saves valuable floor space and provides stable base for excellent stacking.
- Fat Boy hydraulics generate 461,580 lbs of compression force with a robust 14” diameter main cylinder and up to three 75 horsepower motor/pumps.
- Heavy duty auto-tier with double chain and sprocket, six wire ties and energy efficient design.
- Hardened, adjustable dual acting shear blades enable crisp shearing and minimizes jams.
- The most comprehensive touch screen controller in the industry, featuring over 50 information screens. Optional feature allows data transmission to CB&E’s Service Center.